Education Summit: FIT Media Reel
FIT Media was invited to participate with the Education Summit in Charleston, WV. The video above was created for their booth to play as a loop.
Podcast: New Sign for the Fayette County Animal Shelter
Chloe P. spent some time with FIT’s Pre-Engineering program to discuss their efforts in revamping the sign for the Fayette County Animal Shelter.
Hooah! in High School
Most locals know about FIT’s JROTC, but not everyone is aware of the full program offerings or the extent that the cadets are involved with their local community. JROTC aims to get students active in worthwhile pursuits to build character and life skills. Understanding the importance of graduating high school, developing time management skills, gaining […]
Simulated Workplace
FIT’s brand-new HVAC (Heating, Venting, and Air Conditioning) program didn’t waste any time getting started with their first project of the year. “It’s as if we were to go to someone’s real house and put in a heating/cooling system from start to finish, but we can do it here in our shop,” says Charles Shumaker, HVAC Instructor. “Previously, I worked at […]
School of Excellence, FIT Feature: Sarah T.
FIT Media: Why did the Early Childhood Development Program interest you? Sarah T: I thought it would be something fun and exciting to be a part of. I love working with children, and it would be a great experience for my future career. Mrs. Sweet allows us to work with the children, and she shows us what it’s like in the workplace. […]
The Rocket Boys Come to Trail
Last Friday, Midland Trail High School received a nice surprise when Homer Hickam and Roy Lee Cooke of the Rocket Boys stopped by to speak with students.
How to Eat Healthy on a Budget
Many people think it’s too hard to eat healthy. Healthy food is expensive; going for the cheapest option may be the only choice people see. However, healthy food can be just as inexpensive as a bag of chips. If you know what you are going for and understand what is good for you, you can eat healthy […]