This video was produced by FIT Media as a recruiting tool for AWP for presentations at Vo-Tech centers throughout West Virginia. This was an extensive project with numerous on-site productions. Special shoutouts to Brooke Thomas and TJ Ellison, who handled the bulk of the editing duties.
Photo Gallery: Scenes from the 2021 FIT Advisory Council Dinner
The ProStart program created a delicious feast for the Annual FIT Advisory Council Dinner. Photos were taken by FIT Media Seniors Lily Bostic and Jake Walberg. Click on any picture to enlarge the gallery.
Photo Gallery: New Building Additions at Midland Trail and Oak Hill High Schools
(Click on any of the pictures to enlarge and scroll through the galleries.) Midland Trail High School’s New Gym and Administrative Offices Oak Hill High School’s New Gym and Remodeled Auditorium
The Alpine Effect: Impacting Lives Through Outdoor Adventure
“Alpine has impacted me through both the adventures and the camps. I always loved going rafting when I came as a camper. One thing that always stuck out to me was how powerful the water was in the rapids and at the waterfall. It is amazing to experience God through his creation whether it be […]
Cultivating Community: Fayette County 4-H Hosts Haunted House This Halloween Weekend
“We started this club in 2018 back when most of our members were fourteen and fifteen. Now some are twenty, and it has been an honor to see them develop and become everything we hope for them,” told Diane Callison, Co-Leader of the Fayette County Teen Leaders. The Fayette County Teen Leaders are one of several 4-H groups located in Fayette County, West Virginia. Diane Callison and Zachary ‘Montana’ Callison, […]
Vox Populi: Voice of the People, aka Vox Pops
FIT Media · What Would You Do With An Elephant? Recorded and Edited by Matthew Light FIT Media · What Is Your Favorite Scary Movie? Recorded and Edited by Devyn Washington FIT Media · Early Insights from the Multimedia Experience at FIT Recorded and Edited by Cody Frye FIT Media · Do you plan to […]
The Revival of Business in Oak Hill
“It’s an amazing feeling to be able to bring some life into Oak Hill,” told Tiffany Willis, owner of The Frozen Barn. Oak Hill, a small town located in Southern West Virginia, has recently had an increase in its popularity. This small town could be considered the gateway to the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve, which has […]
Warm Hearts Out to Help
Warm Hands from Warm Hearts started with its founder, Mike Bone. In 2013, his plan was to use “God’s greatness and blessing” to help the kids in his community as much as he could. “I was once in their shoes; I know how they feel, so that gives me a feeling of obligation to help the people who are going through what I went through.” said Bone. In the winter of […]