Many people think it’s too hard to eat healthy. Healthy food is expensive; going for the cheapest option may be the only choice people see. However, healthy food can be just as inexpensive as a bag of chips. If you know what you are going for and understand what is good for you, you can eat healthy while still being on a budget.
Angela Keffer, Pro Start in Culinary Arts Instructor, gave tips on great starting points for anyone who wants to improve their eating habits while still being on a tight budget.
“Learning how to cook is the number one thing I think you should learn how to do. It’s a great life skill to have that can save you a lot more money rather than going out to eat. Shopping the outer edges of the store is the way to go, because everything in the middle of the aisle is already processed added sugars and junk our bodies do not need,” said Keffer.
Better food can cost more money but not always. The key is to make the most out of your food purchases.
Keffer added, “Meal prepping is a great way to save money, essentially buying more food saves you more money. Say if I buy a whole chicken, that chicken will last me longer than a package of six to eight breasts. I can distribute the chicken properly into multiple meals.”
Cooked meals can be frozen for a later date. Canning your foods can also save you from wasting perishables like tomatoes, fruits, and pickles.
Aside from not wasting the food, shoppers should pay attention to the store’s prices as well.
“Find foods that have been marked down. Coupons are a great way to save you money.” People become so good a couponing that stores must pay them back. Some stores, like Walmart, have saving catchers. This allows shoppers to compare their prices with other local competitors’ prices and gives you back the difference.
Setting a menu for the week will save you time. Buying whole foods will save you money; getting fruits and vegetables in season helps a lot as well. Don’t go shopping while you are hungry, and do not buy junk food.
“Never go into the store without a list of what you need. Make sure you stick to that list. Don’t be afraid to buy generic brand items, because most of the time, they are made with the same ingredients and by the same manufacture as big-name brand things.”
By learning basic skills like cooking and what ingredients to look for when shopping, you can make a huge change. Keffer’s tips are a great way to begin your journey to a healthy lifestyle.