FIT’s brand-new HVAC (Heating, Venting, and Air Conditioning) program didn’t waste any time getting started with their first project of the year.
“It’s as if we were to go to someone’s real house and put in a heating/cooling system from start to finish, but we can do it here in our shop,” says Charles Shumaker, HVAC Instructor. “Previously, I worked at another school in Nicholas County and [my class] did the same project and students really liked it.”
HVAC student Tristan K. says, “I am really excited to install boots, learn how to connect a flex duct to a collar, and how to do the electrical side of HVAC.”
Shumaker enjoys doing this project because it shows his class what responsibilities they will have in the workforce.
“On a real job, you would have multiple contractors working side by side on the worksite. You would have HVAC working on heating and cooling, plumbers working on installs and connecting the water, and electricians working on the electrical circuits. I think it’s awesome how I can incorporate many of the other programs at FIT into this project, and how it simulates a real work environment. You must work as a team, and I am making sure my students know that.”
To be a technician in HVAC, you must know a lot more than just the basics for heating and cooling.
“You also have to know install and fabricate metal and duct board ductwork. And with any job you have one of the most important things you must have good communication skills. The way you talk and treat your customers will make or break your business,” says Shumaker.
Tristan K. says, “I want to learn more about the HVAC side of things when building a house and to be able to have the experience to do hands-on project. It’s a great opportunity, and I’m learning a lot.”