Through writing a blog post about the Fayette County Farmer’s Market earlier this year, I came across an opportunity to design my first logo for Livi’s Microgreens.

The process and design of this logo started three versions ago. I began not knowing what I really wanted to do; when you don’t see the vision for it, it’s hard to even make it.
I started out with a sun in the background of the logo but then soon realized microgreens and the sun don’t have anything to do with each other.
Nathan started selling commercially at the beginning of this year. Nathan grows his microgreens in his “grow lab” at home; the grow lab is heated and can be used twelve months a year. The microgreens are grown in racks with trays on them in organic composts and fed filtered water.
This led to the final and last version. I knew I wanted to incorporate the microgreens but didn’t know how. I started with just the text and decided that having the microgreens surrounding would look best.
By picking yellow as the color of Livi’s Microgreens, I thought of how his company promotes happiness and health. The microgreens surrounding Livi’s Microgreens are to represent what he sells and how they also come abundantly and not individually.