FIT Media: Why did the Early Childhood Development Program interest you?
Sarah T: I thought it would be something fun and exciting to be a part of. I love working with children, and it would be a great experience for my future career. Mrs. Sweet allows us to work with the children, and she shows us what it’s like in the workplace. It is also very exciting for me to learn skills that I’ll be using in college.
FM: So, you see yourself going into teaching?
ST: It would be exciting to become an elementary school teacher or to work at a daycare center. I love reading to children and making things fun for them. Children learn new skills every day, and I want to be involved with that.
FM: What are some interesting skills that you’ve learned being in this program?
ST: We’ve learned how little children’s motor skills can react to certain things and how you should handle these reactions in a calm manner to try to make it better for them. We’ve also learned about the left and right side of the brain. The left side of the brain is analytical, which means a person is logical and organized. The right side of the brain is more creative, which means a person can be more imaginative and holistic in thought.
FM: What positive outlooks has the instructor taught the class?
ST: Mrs. Sweet has taught us to always be respectful, patient, kind, and trustworthy. She’s always teaching us new things every day to work with young children or anywhere in the workplace.
FM: What projects have you completed?
ST: We have worked on “Patty: The Perfect Parent” and “Ed: The Educator.” Basically, we designed two fictional characters. We were comparing a parent to an educator to see what they had in common and how that information might inform our decisions as educators.
FM: How is Fayette Institute Of Technology (FIT) different than your home school?
ST: We do more hands-on assignments and more activities than we do at our home schools, which I think is a better learning experience for the class.
FM: What are some interesting facts about this program?
ST: We take a lot of trips with the elementary students. The first week of October, we’re taking the children to watch a play in Charleston, WV. We also get to take them to a museum for a scavenger hunt; it will be lots of fun and exciting for the children.
We also go to the elementary school and read to the students, so that should be lots of fun as well. We also do lots of fundraisers and activities in the program.