FIT Media: What made you want to pursue an education in Electrical Technology?
Josh C.: I had an interest in doing this as a job when I graduate from high school; it also sounded like the most interesting class that I could take at FIT. I could see myself doing this in real life, and I didn’t want to miss out on this opportunity.
FM: How have you benefited from the program?
JC: I have learned a lot of skills. I’ve gotten a ton of hands-on experience. I have had opportunities that I wouldn’t have had if I was stuck in a classroom all day. It’s just nice because most of the time you’re not stuck sitting at a desk for seven hours reading and taking notes.
It just feels good to be able to do hands-on work and to learn that way. Mr. Brown has taught us how to use our safety equipment, understand regulations, how to inspect and use our tools correctly, so we don’t end up killing ourselves. (laughs)
FM: What is your favorite thing about FIT as a whole?
JC: I enjoy how much responsibility they give to students and how they treat the school like a simulated workplace. That way, we’re prepared for what the workforce is really going to be like. I also enjoy how FIT allows more freedom altogether, not only in our fields of work but just as people. My teacher always tells me he’s not just here to teach us about the workforce we are going into, but to help us grow as a person. I really appreciate all that he has done for me.
FM: What skills have you learned from FIT?
JC: I’ve learned life skills and how to be more outgoing and to talk to more people. It has encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone and has taught me to not be socially awkward. I have also learned how to do things that involve my job such as cutting pipe, splicing wires, doing circuits, wiring up fans, lights, receptacles, switches, all kinds of different things that will one day help me to become a better electrician. Mr. Brown has taught me plenty of things for my trade and for my future- not only as an employee but as a person.
FM: Can you tell me anything about your Electrical Technology instructor?
JC: Mr. Brown has been an electrician for about forty years. He has owned a few of his own companies, and he has worked for a couple companies. He has been very successful in this field.
FM: What kind of projects have you done in this program?
JC: We haven’t done any big projects yet, because in your junior year, we do hands-on activities in the classroom. We’re starting the big projects this year; our senior year. I’ve also learned how to cut, thread, and ream conduit- that’s a smaller project I have already done. I’ve completed a few projects at the end of the semester on huge circuits that took me a couple days to get finished. They were very complex circuits with a lot of parts. We also built scaffolds with the Masonry class. It gave us the opportunity to meet new people from different schools that range all across the county.
FM: What are some of the projects that you are looking forward to this year?
JC: This year we are going to do a lighting project for classes like Forestry, and we are going to work on the FIT house if they build one this year. It’s a very fun class.
FM: Will you be competing in the Skills Competition this year?
JC: Yes, I will be competing in the Skills Competition this year at FIT. I hope to go to the state and national competition if at all possible. I have high hopes for this year.
FM: What made you pursue the Electrical Program rather than the other programs that FIT has to offer?
JC: I was lured by the money that electricians make and just the fact that I have an interest in the electrical field. I also knew that the class was very fun because of previous kids in the class had told me some good things, and I thought it would be a really good fit for me.
When I first met Mr. Brown, we kind of just clicked, and I knew he would be a good teacher. I didn’t think he sounded too strict or anything like that. He was very outgoing, and I liked that. During the FIT tour that I took my sophomore year, I also found Electrical Technology to be the most interesting and it just pulled me in. I just found it intriguing. I thought I could be very good in the field, and I took the chance and decided to do it.