Warm Hands from Warm Hearts started with its founder, Mike Bone. In 2013, his plan was to use “God’s greatness and blessing” to help the kids in his community as much as he could.
“I was once in their shoes; I know how they feel, so that gives me a feeling of obligation to help the people who are going through what I went through.” said Bone.
In the winter of 2013, Bone started his journey by doing anything he could to help give to the community. He started donating toboggan hats, gloves, and coats to local elementary schools in the Fayette County area.
When locals got word of what he was doing for the community, the support was unreal. With local support, Bone was able to expand the amount of clothing and food he was donating to the schools.

He kept up the hard work for three years. As Warm Hands from Warm Hearts grew, Bone started to run out of space to stock his supplies of food and warm clothing.
“It was a great problem to have. Things were working out and we decided we needed more space. That small start is what I needed to get where I am today. God is allowing me to carry out my testimony, after I was saved as a young man.”
After three years of challenging work, Bone purchased a Main Street storefront in Oak Hill. He was able to not just give clothing and food out to schools but also to the homeless and the struggling families that also needed help.

This new space allowed for more offerings and incorporated new programs for recovering addicts to give them a place where they feel at home and accepted. This is an especially important topic for Bone considering he battled with substance abuse in the past.
Bone said, “WHWH is a place people can go to find someone who cares about their problems and is willing to help.”
Warm Hands from Warm Hearts also expanded a full-sized food pantry to hold extra canned and fresh food, diapers for new moms, hygiene supplies, and warm winter clothing. They run a soup kitchen and serve hot fresh food once a week for anyone. They even have a space for people to access the internet.
One recipient said, “WHWH has been a lifesaver for my family; they have helped us through challenging times and have put hot meals on our table.”
Warm Hands from Warm Hearts is for everyone in the community. They have worked with local businesses, youth groups, churches, and many schools. The Boy Scouts have also volunteered several times to come help the cause. Many schools do food drives to donate to the ministry. Warm Hands from Warm Hearts also carries out donation drives to help stock their shelves.

If you are interested in helping donate food or clothing, you can phone them at 304-222-0629 for more information.
If you need help with something you are going through, such as substance abuse or lack of hope, please contact them at 304-222-0629.
No matter what you are going through or have been through, WHWH will not judge. They are accepting of everyone and are eager to give you a hand and get you on the right track.
If you are interested in helping the community and boosting the efforts of Warm Hands from Warm Hearts, you can volunteer for an evening by serving food to those in need.